I modified it to cancel the side effect, I’m using the character ‘m’, since it is not used elsewhere in the code.
Thank you mike for the help
Here is the updated version, if anyone wants to use it.
* The ASCII protocol is a simpler, human readable alternative to the main native
* protocol.
* In the future this protocol might be extended to support selected GCode commands.
* For a list of supported commands see doc/ascii-protocol.md
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "odrive_main.h"
#include "../build/version.h" // autogenerated based on Git state
#include "communication.h"
#include "ascii_protocol.hpp"
#include <utils.h>
#include <fibre/cpp_utils.hpp>
/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Global constant data ------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Global variables ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private constant data -----------------------------------------------------*/
#define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 256
#define TO_STR_INNER(s) #s
#define TO_STR(s) TO_STR_INNER(s)
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Function implementations --------------------------------------------------*/
// @brief Sends a line on the specified output.
template<typename ... TArgs>
void respond(StreamSink& output, bool include_checksum, const char * fmt, TArgs&& ... args) {
char response[64];
size_t len = snprintf(response, sizeof(response), fmt, std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
output.process_bytes((uint8_t*)response, len, nullptr); // TODO: use process_all instead
if (include_checksum) {
uint8_t checksum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
checksum ^= response[i];
len = snprintf(response, sizeof(response), "*%u", checksum);
output.process_bytes((uint8_t*)response, len, nullptr);
output.process_bytes((const uint8_t*)"\r\n", 2, nullptr);
// @brief Executes an ASCII protocol command
// @param buffer buffer of ASCII encoded characters
// @param len size of the buffer
void ASCII_protocol_process_line(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t len, StreamSink& response_channel) {
static_assert(sizeof(char) == sizeof(uint8_t));
// scan line to find beginning of checksum and prune comment
uint8_t checksum = 0;
size_t checksum_start = SIZE_MAX;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (buffer[i] == ';') { // ';' is the comment start char
len = i;
if (checksum_start > i) {
if (buffer[i] == '*') {
checksum_start = i + 1;
} else {
checksum ^= buffer[i];
// copy everything into a local buffer so we can insert null-termination
char cmd[MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1];
memcpy(cmd, buffer, len);
// optional checksum validation
bool use_checksum = (checksum_start < len);
if (use_checksum) {
unsigned int received_checksum;
sscanf((const char *)cmd + checksum_start, "%u", &received_checksum);
if (received_checksum != checksum)
len = checksum_start - 1; // prune checksum and asterisk
cmd[len] = 0; // null-terminate
// check incoming packet type
if (cmd[0] == 'p') { // position control
unsigned motor_number;
float pos_setpoint, vel_feed_forward, current_feed_forward;
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "p %u %f %f %f", &motor_number, &pos_setpoint, &vel_feed_forward, ¤t_feed_forward);
if (numscan < 2) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else if (motor_number >= AXIS_COUNT) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid motor %u", motor_number);
} else {
if (numscan < 3)
vel_feed_forward = 0.0f;
if (numscan < 4)
current_feed_forward = 0.0f;
Axis* axis = axes[motor_number];
axis->controller_.set_pos_setpoint(pos_setpoint, vel_feed_forward, current_feed_forward);
} else if (cmd[0] == 'q') { // position control with limits
unsigned motor_number;
float pos_setpoint, vel_limit, current_lim;
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "q %u %f %f %f", &motor_number, &pos_setpoint, &vel_limit, ¤t_lim);
if (numscan < 2) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else if (motor_number >= AXIS_COUNT) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid motor %u", motor_number);
} else {
Axis* axis = axes[motor_number];
axis->controller_.pos_setpoint_ = pos_setpoint;
if (numscan >= 3)
axis->controller_.config_.vel_limit = vel_limit;
if (numscan >= 4)
axis->motor_.config_.current_lim = current_lim;
} else if (cmd[0] == 'v') { // velocity control
unsigned motor_number;
float vel_setpoint, current_feed_forward;
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "v %u %f %f", &motor_number, &vel_setpoint, ¤t_feed_forward);
if (numscan < 2) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else if (motor_number >= AXIS_COUNT) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid motor %u", motor_number);
} else {
if (numscan < 3)
current_feed_forward = 0.0f;
Axis* axis = axes[motor_number];
axis->controller_.set_vel_setpoint(vel_setpoint, current_feed_forward);
} else if (cmd[0] == 'c') { // current control
unsigned motor_number;
float current_setpoint;
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "c %u %f", &motor_number, ¤t_setpoint);
if (numscan < 2) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else if (motor_number >= AXIS_COUNT) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid motor %u", motor_number);
} else {
Axis* axis = axes[motor_number];
} else if (cmd[0] == 't') { // trapezoidal trajectory
unsigned motor_number;
float goal_point;
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "t %u %f", &motor_number, &goal_point);
if (numscan < 2) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else if (motor_number >= AXIS_COUNT) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid motor %u", motor_number);
} else {
Axis* axis = axes[motor_number];
} else if (cmd[0] == 'f') { // feedback
unsigned motor_number;
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "f %u", &motor_number);
if (numscan < 1) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else if (motor_number >= AXIS_COUNT) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid motor %u", motor_number);
} else {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "%f %f",
} else if (cmd[0] == 'm') { // status; position, velocity, current
unsigned motor_number;
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "m %u", &motor_number);
if (numscan < 1) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "%f %f %f %f %f %f",
//respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else if (motor_number >= AXIS_COUNT) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid motor %u", motor_number);
} else {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "%f %f %f",
} else if (cmd[0] == 'h') { // Help
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Please see documentation for more details");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Available commands syntax reference:");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Position: q axis pos vel-lim I-lim");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Position: p axis pos vel-ff I-ff");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Velocity: v axis vel I-ff");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Current: c axis I");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Properties start at odrive root, such as axis0.requested_state");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Read: r property");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Write: w property value");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Save config: ss");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Erase config: se");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Reboot: sr");
} else if (cmd[0] == 'i'){ // Dump device info
// respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Signature: %#x", STM_ID_GetSignature());
// respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Revision: %#x", STM_ID_GetRevision());
// respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Flash Size: %#x KiB", STM_ID_GetFlashSize());
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Hardware version: %d.%d-%dV", HW_VERSION_MAJOR, HW_VERSION_MINOR, HW_VERSION_VOLTAGE);
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Firmware version: %d.%d.%d", FW_VERSION_MAJOR, FW_VERSION_MINOR, FW_VERSION_REVISION);
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "Serial number: %s", serial_number_str);
} else if (cmd[0] == 's'){ // System
if(cmd[1] == 's') { // Save config
} else if (cmd[1] == 'e'){ // Erase config
} else if (cmd[1] == 'r'){ // Reboot
} else if (cmd[0] == 'r') { // read property
char name[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "r %" TO_STR(MAX_LINE_LENGTH) "s", name);
if (numscan < 1) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else {
Endpoint* endpoint = application_endpoints_->get_by_name(name, sizeof(name));
if (!endpoint) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid property");
} else {
char response[10];
bool success = endpoint->get_string(response, sizeof(response));
if (!success)
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "not implemented");
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, response);
} else if (cmd[0] == 'w') { // write property
char name[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
char value[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "w %" TO_STR(MAX_LINE_LENGTH) "s %" TO_STR(MAX_LINE_LENGTH) "s", name, value);
if (numscan < 1) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else {
Endpoint* endpoint = application_endpoints_->get_by_name(name, sizeof(name));
if (!endpoint) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid property");
} else {
bool success = endpoint->set_string(value, sizeof(value));
if (!success)
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "not implemented");
}else if (cmd[0] == 'u') { // Update axis watchdog.
unsigned motor_number;
int numscan = sscanf(cmd, "u %u", &motor_number);
if(numscan < 1){
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid command format");
} else if (motor_number >= AXIS_COUNT) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "invalid motor %u", motor_number);
}else {
} else if (cmd[0] != 0) {
respond(response_channel, use_checksum, "unknown command");
void ASCII_protocol_parse_stream(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t len, StreamSink& response_channel) {
static uint8_t parse_buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
static bool read_active = true;
static uint32_t parse_buffer_idx = 0;
while (len--) {
// if the line becomes too long, reset buffer and wait for the next line
if (parse_buffer_idx >= MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
read_active = false;
parse_buffer_idx = 0;
// Fetch the next char
uint8_t c = *(buffer++);
bool is_end_of_line = (c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '!');
if (is_end_of_line) {
if (read_active)
ASCII_protocol_process_line(parse_buffer, parse_buffer_idx, response_channel);
parse_buffer_idx = 0;
read_active = true;
} else {
if (read_active) {
parse_buffer[parse_buffer_idx++] = c;