Using an absolute and incremental encoder per axis


So we did some further tests and we realized that our main branch (the devel branch of the ODrive repo that we cloned at the time) had the same issues. We’re currently testing with the v0.5.2 pre-release and it seems to be working fine up until now. So we plan to rebase our code to that version and see if the problems persist.

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Due to time constraints and priorities we’re unable to finish this project for now. In a few weeks the new team will take over. It kinda depends on them whether they want to pick it up where we left of or want to rather focus on other things. I might continue working on it in my spare time if they decide to drop it. Regardless of the continuation, I’d like to thank you guys for helping us along the way. It was a fun and very educational journey.

We’ll soon make a post to show you guys what we’ve achieved using the ODrives :slight_smile:

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