I have an Odrive with 2 motors + encoders connected to it.
When I manually send a 0.3 velocity command to both motors and then later a 0 velocity command, the motors work fine and accelerate and deaccelerate according to the ramp I have set (0.5)
However, when I run with ROS, the Odrive receives 5 velocity commands per second over the serial (baudrate 115200).
Changing from sending velocity 0.3 commands to velocity 0 commands leads to an extremely slow deacceleration, taking 6 seconds for the motors to come to a stop.
It almost looks as if the Odrive is buffering and leveling the incoming velocity commands to an average, making it react slowly to a sudden change in speed.
Can anyone tell me how to better configure this?
(All tests were done with the wheels running free in the air)