BLDC Motor Driver for Absolute Encoder Support (RS-485 (A-format))

Hi Everyone!
I am new here. I have a BLDC Motor (24V and 45A peak) with an absolute encoder installed in it. The absolute encoder supports RS-485 (A-format) protocol. The encoder is from Nikon brand. I am unable to find some suitable motor driver for this system. If someone knows some such driver, kindly guide me. I wanted to add datasheets here but could not find the attachment option.

Hi! There’s a chance this’ll work, but there’s not enough information yet to say for sure. Could you post the encoder part number or datasheet? I’d recommend uploading it to Google Drive or similar and link here.

Dear Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Following is the link to google drive for encoder datasheet.
Feel free to let me know if you need any further information.

Wow, that’s a very high end encoder. Both the Pro and the S1 will be able to interface with it from an electrical standpoint, but support for this specific encoder isn’t implemented in the firmware. You should email and we can discuss what it would take to get support added.

Thanks for responding. I have emailed the provided email address.