I just stumbled across this ODrive community and am eager to get hold of an ODrive and start testing.
I’m a member of another group that’s currently building mobile robots using reworked e-bike motors (similar to these). The typical setup uses a pair of 24V/250W/328RPM motors, and a 6S lipo battery. The motor specs seem similar to the hoverboard motors that @madcowswe is using on Project HoverArm. The 6S lipo would be a little over 25V when fully charged.
My question is; would this push the project over the specs of the 24V ODrive (3.4) and require the 48V version? Or is a 6S battery within the 24V specs?
Cool, I’m excited to see how it goes, make sure to keep us posted about any builds with these.
Hm it’s a tough call, the bus capacitors are rated to 25V, and I actually don’t know how much shorter their life span is if you go over slightly.
Thanks! I’ll play it safe and go with the 48V version, and will definitely share my experience.
Another couple of quick questions;
These motors have hall sensors, which I see were once supported by ODrive in place of an external encoder. Eventually, is it planned to support hall sensors again?
Also, I see that during startup motors will move as a homing procedure. Do they typically do a full rotation, or is it just a small amount?
Yes the plan is to support hall sensors again, can’t tell you how soon that will be though.
The encoder calibration procedure moves 2 electrical turns, so it depends on the motor. For example if your motor has 30 permanent magnets - > 15 pole pairs - > the motor will turn 2/15th of a turn.
If you have an encoder with index pulse you can set it up to only move to the index, which may be shorter if you set it up right.
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