Comm fail for as5048a

Hi, support. I am new to odrive. Just trying to get my first motor up and running. I am trying to use as5048a absolute spi encoder and I follow the odrive documents for v3.6 56 volts, before i connect the motor. The encoder has been tested previously in an esp 32 mcu, and works perfectly. When i connect it to my odrive I get error 128. comm fail. Can please anybody help me with that?

Hi there,

Can you show the output of dump_errors(odrv0)? It sounds like you’re getting the error ABS_SPI_COM_FAIL ? Can you show or describe the wiring and config setup you’ve done?

Thanks, Solomondg. For some reason, my odrive seems to have trouble with usb communications. I just repeated the ecoder config. Procedure and it worked correctly. Thanks for your time and interest.

Hey Mariu - you should ideally be using a usb isolator and ferrite rings on the motor phase cables - sometimes electrical interference and/or ground loops will cause USB dropouts on v3.6, and the aforementioned solutions will help.

thanks solomondg. I will try your idea.