Confused on how to connect and getting USB error

Please connect your ODrive.
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In [1]: ←[91;1m20:44:05.154746800 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:06.181870400 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:07.211458500 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:08.226946600 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:09.243954600 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:10.274201000 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:11.305535600 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:12.323717700 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:13.353740800 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:14.383751600 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:15.402453000 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:16.418472500 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:17.448225700 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:18.464300500 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:19.481775900 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m
←[91;1m20:44:20.511484000 [USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m

When I connect it i get this

1 Like

Fixed via Discord by installing libusb via Zadig to the Native Interface


The issue appears under Ubuntu as well, tried installing
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
but still no luck. Any ideas?

Never mind, I forgot to add the udev rules as described in the get started page:

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1209", ATTR{idProduct}=="0d[0-9][0-9]", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/91-odrive.rules
 sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
 sudo udevadm trigger

Thanks, it worked for me.

Still the same problem here; odrive 3.6, odrivetool v0.5.4, in dev.manager only a COM port is shown when I plug-in the odrive board, Zadig doesn’t show anything sensible either. odrivetool has been working (more than a year ago), but now I can’t use the odrive board anymore.

Correction; I had to list all devices in Zadig. Then it showed the Odrive. But no matter what I do, odrivetool keeps saying “[USB] Could not open USB device: -5←[0m”.

Another correction: In Zadig the native interface was used, I also tried the CDC interface, with no success either, odrivetool now says: “[USB] Could not claim interface :slight_smile: on USB device: -12←[0m”.

Update (solved): I flashed “ODriveFirmware_v3.6-56V.hex” with “SetupSTM32CubeProgrammer_win64”, which by the way did recognize that my board was on a USB port ! And I (again) used Zadig to install a WinUSB driver on the “ODrvie 3.6 Native Interface” (it was empty after flashing). And now odrivetool does immediately see my ODrive board. Check: " odrv0.vbus_voltage " gives 27V.

But unfortunately torque mode is not working, no torque at all. And no errors, so no clue how to solve.

Set the vel_limit higher

Yes, done that, but I think I was not clear. I already got it running in velocity mode, but changing to torque (odrv0.axis1.controller.config.control_mode = CONTROL_MODE_TORQUE_CONTROL) nothing happens at all anymore, no speed, no torque, nothing. It seems it acts as a “turn unit off”. I can hardly find information on the torque mode, or how to use it. Apparently just setting the mode and torque is not sufficient?

I assume you’re commanding input_torque once you’re in torque mode? The only other thing to know is to set the torque_constant, which you should have if you did the getting started guide, and disable controller.config.enable_vel_limit_in_torque_mode, or set the vel_limit higher. What input_mode do you have set?