Different 'pos_setpoint' when reading directly from ODrive vs serial comm


I am controlling SunnySky M8 brushless motors with ODrive ‘INPUT_MODE_POS_FILTER’ mode.

I have found out that ‘pos_setpoint’ value is different when ‘input_pos’ is setting directly from ODrive vs serial communication.

When the ‘input_pos’ is set on ODrive directly, the ‘pos_setpoint’ reaches similar to ‘input_pos’

In [37]: odrv0.axis0.controller.input_pos = 0.306748466

In [38]: odrv0.axis0.controller.pos_setpoint
Out[38]: 0.2992599606513977

In [39]: odrv0.axis0.controller.pos_setpoint
Out[39]: 0.3064025342464447

In [40]: odrv0.axis0.controller.pos_setpoint
Out[40]: 0.306648850440979

However, when the ‘input_pos’ is set on ESP32 via serial, ‘pos_setpoint’ reaches to 0.3099 instead of 0.3067

input_pos pos_estimate pos_setpoint
0.306748 0.039581 0.041099
0.306748 0.149506 0.150467
0.306748 0.228878 0.229012
0.306748 0.27186 0.272001
0.306748 0.292816 0.293002
0.306748 0.30271 0.302635
0.306748 0.307137 0.306882
0.306748 0.309059 0.308701
0.306748 0.309566 0.309462
0.306748 0.309622 0.309777
0.306748 0.309973 0.3099

The difference is small, but I would like to know if anyone had a similar issue and know the solution to fix it.

Thanks in advance!