Driving T Motor Gimbal Motor with ODrive

Hi there,
A friend of mine and me would like to drive a T-Motor GL60 (3A continuous at 24V Gimbal Motor).

As I understand the micro would be perfect for this. And it would also have anticogging.
However it is sold out.

  1. Will there be new stock for the micro in the coming 1-3 weeks?

  2. Would the S1 also work for this low power (80W) application? (Meaning turning the motor buttery smooth. I have seen there was the possibility to change the shunt but software had to be changed and the new firmware seems to be closed source.)

Replies to any of these questions are very appreciated.

Wishing all a great day!

Hi there!

We’ll have engineering samples of the Micro available in 1-2 weeks - that being said, shoot me an email at solomon.greenberg@odriverobotics.com and I’ll get you one off my desk sooner :wink:

S1 will totally be able to control the motor, but it’ll have to run in gimbal motor mode (voltage control) which is really best suited for low-speed control. Not sure anticogging works in gimbal motor mode.

Thats awesome. (Did shoot you a mail.) Thank you for your quick reply :slight_smile: