so the error gets triggered as soon as you start holding the motors? and it does without applying much resistance?
can you use the liveplotter on the current and see at what point it does trigger the error
so the error gets triggered as soon as you start holding the motors? and it does without applying much resistance?
can you use the liveplotter on the current and see at what point it does trigger the error
May I ask you why when I run odrive.SetPosition(0, pos_m0, 200, 20)
the motor stack?
running this command Serial1 << "r axis" << 0 << ".motor.current_control.Iq_measured" << "\n"; Serial << "current_control: " << odrive.readFloat() << "\n";
I have this answer:
current_control: -17.8825
current_control: -17.8825
current_control: -17.8825
current_control: -17.8825
current_control: -17.8825