Thanks for the reply
That was quick ^^
Erm, yes, the whole debugging thing is done because the calibration of the encoder fails, in the polarity calibration step. The offset calibration did not work after that, at some point I even tried to just write the same values from M1 into the available config values of M0 to kind of simulate a successful polarity calibration - did not work. As I did not look at the code at all (yet), I just think that not everything is put into available variables and it would never worked out like I tried.
From memory, after the polarity step, I got error 0x16 (if I remember the number correctly, it resolved to the ERROR_ILLEGAL_HALL_STATE), and I think I got something like …_NOT_CALIBRATED_YET as second error when trying to do the offset calibration without polarity calibration.
The motor calibration, just to mention it, never failed. Also, the motor on M0 spins during the encoder calibration before failing.
If I find the time to dive into the code, which may be somewhere in the middle of the week at best, I will certainly do that. The project I am using the odrive is the classic moving plattform - I found a new hobby where it is sometimes required to move some equipement from the parking lot to the starter zone… and back after the event, it may also transport me sitting on the equipement box
So you can imagine I want this project to be done, even if it requires to debug some code before even starting the software that is connected to the odrive to control it.
The project will be seen by others in the hobby, at every event that I take it. There will be some that also want this type of vehicle, and even not only using a remote controlled platform but with a camera and some other additions, it could even be an active element in that hobby. There are not many “makers” in this hobby, most only “buy, use, tune a bit” … so I cannot call it a business thing yet 
As already said, I try to figure out what happens on 0.5.3, will most likely take a look at the code, and try to find a way to reproduce it on different hardware to be sure it is not a hardware fault.
At this point in time, I am doing that project as a hobby, but if you or your swiss developer is interested in having a look at my setup or further details to try to reproduce it, I would be happy to do some video call or even meet that developer (I am living in the St. Gallen area).
Kind regards,