I followed the ODrive Firmware Developer Guide and Configuring Visual Studio Code in the ODrive DOC step by step to set up the development environment, but I’m not sure what I might have missed. I keep running into issues during compilation that I can’t resolve.The compilation errors are as follows:
The error messages they output are as follows: *** tup messages ***
tup error: File ‘TIjtdrv’ was written to, but is not in .tup/db. You probably should specify it as an output
– Delete: TIjtdrv
*** Command failed due to errors processing the output dependencies.
Using the make -j4 command, even though the compilation failed, it still output the ./autogen directory along with the version.c file and four other .hpp files within it. At this point,directly invoke the Tup build system to proceed with the compilation, but when it reaches 96%, the same error occurs again:
I noticed that even though the compilation failed at 96%, it still output the .elf file. I can use the command arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex ./build/ODriveFirmware.elf ./build/ODriveFirmware.hex to generate the .hex file. However, could there be any issues with doing this?
OK! I found out what caused the compilation error. I downloaded the latest versions of the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain and GNU MCU Eclipse, which led to the compilation error.