With USB communication I can set a maximum speed limit for going to a specific position by setting
odrv0.axis0.controller.config.vel_limit = max_speed
odrv0.axis0.controller.config.enable_vel_limit = True
How can I do the same using the can messages? I looked into setting arbitrary parameters but I need a specific flat_endpoints.json for that (see CAN Bus Guide — ODrive Documentation 0.6.10 documentation). I cannot find a flat_endpoints.json for my versions, which are:
fw_version_major = {int} 0
fw_version_minor = {int} 5
fw_version_revision = {int} 13
fw_version_unreleased = {int} 1
hw_version_major = {int} 3
hw_version_minor = {int} 9
hw_version_variant = {int} 1
Can someone help me out here?
Thanks! Manuel
Hi! This is quite strange – frankly your board hardware and firmware version makes zero sense, did you flash custom firmware? Where did you get this ODrive / can you post a picture of it?
Oh - it looks like they’ve integrated an ODrive clone in there. Unfortunately those clones are based off of ODrive v3.4/v3.5, which had a lot of issues, and I guess they’re running custom firmware on there (probably based on the dated v0.5 firmware that ODrive v3.6 runs). You’ll have to reach out to the manufacturer for help, unfortunately we really have no way of helping with this one. I can say for sure though that it’s running some fork of an earlier firmware version, like 0.5.1 or 0.5.6, which doesn’t have support for CAN arbitrary parameter access – that’s just for the new-generation products, like S1/Pro/Micro.
One option would be to get an ODrive S1, rip out whatever driver’s in there right now, and use an OA1 to sense the encoder magnet in the motor. I think that’ll get you a much better experience, as well as our ability to fully help and support you in your efforts