Gimbal Mode vs High Current for Positioning

Currently have a Odrive Micro but not getting the success I want using gearbox+belt system for accuracy. Dont believe its a Odrive problem but rather the setup that I have. So looking at using a Gimbal motor and mounting the Laser directly to it. The laser is an Industrial distance laser sensor that I want to Move the motors around to get the beam to hit different points. If I use gimbal type motor can I still use TrajControl mode?

Hi there! Could you let me know a bit more about the accuracy issues here? If you’re using a hall sensor or the Micro’s onboard absolute encoder for the input, you could add a high-resolution incremental encoder to the belt/gearbox output, and use that for positioning as the load encoder.

Gimbal vs high current are misnomers, and we’re working on some docs/terminology fixes – on the Micro, everything should be run in high current mode.

My issues are more with my setup. Flexing, belt tightening, etc. Just would simply mechanical portion if I would be able to mount the Laser Directly to the Gimbal Motor itself. the laser is relativity small (Banner LE550) and the package requirements are rather tight. In my other forum post there was some expectation for hard to tune + sounds using such a small motor. I was thinking of using a Gimbal motor similar to “Power Motor GM3506 Brushless Gimbal Motor w/ AS5048A Encoder” but using the Micros on board encoder instead of the AS5048A.

Totally understood! Yes, you can use a gimbal motor and directly connect the laser. Note the Micro’s onboard encoder can have up to about a degree of error, and has some noise – if you’re able to easily add an external incremental encoder as well, you can use that for load positioning and get much better performance.

Do you have suggestions for an incremental encoder?

Depends on your system – the AMT10E2 is always a good bet, if it works for you mechanically.