I have a different type of problem with error_illegal_hall_state.
I have a hobbysky motor with hall sensors.
The sequence on the encoder output is (a snippit of arduino code)
byte dat[3] ={{0,0,0},
I verified this using an arduino to read the pins. The encoders do require a pullup resistor. I’m using 10 k when I did the test.
Oskar’s post suggested that the odrive software considers the 000 and 111 lines to be an error – an illegal value.
So, what I’m hoping for is either an existing workaround that doesn’t involve putting an arduino in the middle to translate, or a pointer to the code that reads and does the verification.
I’ve done quite a bit of programming, but not in c++ and reading the files has been a bit of a challenge for me. A pointer to the file(s) involved in handling the hall sensors, and then perhaps a bit of coaching on how the current code works would probably be sufficient. Someone who, after I read on the files for a bit would be willing to have a dialog.
An existing method of coping would be much preferred of course.
Thanks in advance,
Jim Hurlburt
Bend, Oregon