How fast can you send commands through USB on PC vs raspberry pi

I am precalculating the positions to send to motors then use a loop like below to send such commands.

On an Intel Core i5 PC, I noticed that each iteration of the loop (in other words without waiting), was about 5ms.
On raspberry pi however, i’m more the 20~22ms range. i’m using the latest rpi 3 model B+

I use native-stream for usb communication.

In other words
1/0.005 = 200 Hz on PC
1/0.022 = 45 Hz on raspberry pi

apart from porting my code from python to c++, is there anyway that i can increase this frequency on raspberry pi ? (or maybe finding a faster python implementation that python3

        t0 = time.monotonic()  # gives current absolute time in sec. ex: 28774.414338526
        for i in range(0,m):
            if (i<len(distances_a)):
                self.cur_a = distances_a[i]
            if (i<len(distances_b)):
                self.cur_b = distances_b[i]
            self.my_odrive.motor0.set_pos_setpoint(int(self.cur_a), 0.0, 0.0)
            self.my_odrive.motor1.set_pos_setpoint(int(self.cur_b), 0.0, 0.0)
            t1 = time.monotonic()
            duration = (t1 - t0)
            t0 = t1
            time_to_sleep = self.dt - duration
            if (time_to_sleep >0):

Maybe you can try profiling your python code to see if it really is the code execution that is slow, or if it’s the OS being slow with USB traffic?

I use python for its simplicity over performance. therefore, i have never needed performance, thus profiling on python until now. I’m not in front of the PC but i did use the first python profiler that google suggested : cprofile if i remember right.

I could barely make sense of the output but i clearly remember that the following lines were the culprit, which led me to beleive there was basically very little i could do from my code

except sending more “points” with each commands, therefore sending less commands per seconds. However, when i do this, i noticed that the movement was way less fluid (resonate?) and i couldn’t basically use it in production as is. That said, I notice that i understand very little about odrive “gains” and honnestly a clear documentation of such params would help me a lot.

Would copy/pasting the ouput of the profiler help? What can i do to determine if it’s the code execution that is slow or if it’s the OS being slow with USB traffic?

Hmm, I think you would need to check the time taken down in the USB driver calls vs the protocol and other things managed by the python.

Yes our main priority right now is making ODrive easier to use. Thanks for your feedback.