Inconsistent torque - S1

Hey all,

I have an S1 and am using the built in encoder. When in torque control mode I tend to get an inconsistent torque output as I “pull” on the motor against its direction of motion the torque feels like it climbs, then drops suddenly, and then repeats over and over. What is weird is that when I use the motors Hall effect sensor this issue goes away but I get muttering due to the low resolution.

I e attempted calibrations, changed setups. But the problem persists. It also seems to be worse at higher torque values although maybe just more perceive-able.

Hi! This could definitely be caused by bad calibration or mounting. A few questions:

  • What motor is this?
  • What encoder magnet are you using? How is it mounted to the motor?
  • Can you post a pic of your setup?
  • Are you calibrating under no load whatsoever? (e.g. free spinning motor)

Especially, the periodic variation sounds like the S1 is mounted offset from the motor/magnet’s axis, or that the magnetic field strength from the encoder magnet is too low (e.g. the S1 is too far away).