I have made some PCB and successfully operation based on this design, which runs VESC firmware without modification: https://github.com/antonchromjak/MINI4
it’s a simple and effective design i suppose, i have not much experience in this kind electronic design. T-motor u8 motor setup was successful, but very low torque, and AS5407P sensor was configured correctly. But it has a 1/4 degree repeatable stopping accuracy.
I wonder if people interested in porting odrive code to VESC hardware, i live in China, easy to make board but not easy to get odrive board, due to mailing and custom procedures.
My application is to make a gimbal with high tracking speed to be suitable for robotic optics sensors, e.g.: http://www.ocularrobotics.com/, it will integrate a 2D lidar with twist and panorama generation with two RGB cameras.
Hi Einzeln,
I’m also interested in your board for a project in robotics. Would it be possible to share the design file, and/or for me to buy one board? Unfortunatly I am not in China, but in Switzerland.