Linear motor supported?


I found the odrive project today by searching for a driver for my linear axis. I like to build a own milling machine out of 3 high performance axis from hiwin typ lms23c (see attached) with a renisaw lm10 encoder.

I’m not sure if it is working with the the odrive… Did someone try to use the odrive with real linear engine like this? Do you think it is working?

Do I need to take care on special things for the setup?

I hope you can help me?

Thank you!

I just succesfully ran a coreless linear motor, so it should work with yours as wel, just pick a number of pole pairs you define as one rotation and use the encoder steps of the chosen length as couns per rotation.

The motor you are showing might not make a lot of power at 48v though, if its rated for 600v

With running 600V motor on 48V will be able to use full force, but will be limited in max speed.


thank you for you feedback! In this case I will try to drive the engine with the o-drive. Can I use the existing encoder? Do I need a amplifier to get 5v vpp?

Have a nice evening!

We currently do not accept analouge quadrature signals, only digital. So to get full resolution, you will need to use an interpolation IC.