What continuous torque can the D6374 provide with an ODrive 3.6 or a VESC6? The max torque is given as 3.86NM but how long can that current be sustained, provided adequate cooling is implemented and the driver can sustain continuous peaks for some n seconds?
I read somewhere that max current is normally 1.6-2.0x times the nominal current but I found no evidence for this, I also read the torque derating curve but didn’t full understand the continuous ratings from it.
I had the same question for other motors as well. The R100 from tmotor specifies a peak torque of 11NM, and they told me it can be sustained for 2 seconds. What does this mean exactly, what happens after the 2 seconds?
I’m a bit confused regarding this, it would help a lot if you could help to clear this up.