Migration question

Dear all
I want to ask a question , because the ODrive fw v0.5.6 can only be viewed under the VS code enviorment, so if the firmware can be migrated to MDK enviorment?

Should be fine – the build system (Tup) can be a bit funky, but it can also generate a compilation_commands.json that most modern editors can intake and use.

Dear Solomondy
but I found it is very difficulty. because the application layer code of Fibre ( Upper computer and lower computer) is writted by C++ , it will talke long time to learn and master it. while this part of code can be used to communicate with ODrivetool ,if we want to use ODrivetool after migration, the application code should be converted to C language, so it is a lot of work .

if we can use UART port to control the target board and read back some parameters?

Best regards

Apologies, I misinterpreted what you were asking. I didn’t understand you were looking to compile ODrivetool for an embedded microcontroller, I thought you just wanted a different IDE for a Linux-based system.

Yes, you should just use UART or CAN to control the ODrive from your microcontroller, that is what is recommended. You can see the protocol documentation here:

Dear Solomondg
Thanks a lot again.
Best regards

Dear Solomondg
i have encountered another question,I tried to debug the ODrive fw v0.5.6 in VS code environment,but the following error occurs:

so would you please give me some advices to solve this question?

Best regards

Unfortunately not much I can help here. ARM development on Windows is always kind of awful. You’d have to post the gdb-server output if you need more help.

Why are you trying to modify the ODrive v3.6 code, out of curiosity?

For the work reason, we need to migrate the code to MDK environment,thank you very much for support and help ,

Sorry, can you please elaborate? Are you trying to port the ODrive codebase to another microcontroller or IDE? If you can explain a bit more as to what you’re trying to do, maybe I can recommend an easier solution?

Dear Solomondg
Sure,we just want to migrate the code from the VS code IDE to the MDK IDE. because we’re familiar with C language but not good at C++. WE still use the ODrive V3.6 schematic and the STM32F405RGT6 chip

Best regards

Hmm, that’s going to be very very difficult, you’ll have to fundamentally rewrite the codebase. I think it may be easier to just learn C++ :slight_smile:

Dear Solomondg
Thank a lot again
Best regards