I am using Odrive v3.6 for driving a 320KV BLDC Motor for Robotics application.
I had set the current limit, requested current_state, max_regen_current, dc_max_positive and negative current to 90A.
Yet the 93A NTMFS4935NT1G Mosfets got damaged: Short between Drain to Source Terminal
I tried finding the Mosfet to replace;
But the manufacturer of this mosfet - ONSEMICONDUCTOR have stopped manufacturing this product
The other distributors like Rochester Electronics etc are selling these mosfets in bulk (1500 min)
I need Mosfets in a very less quantity of 10 pc for replacement.
Is there any source from where I can get these Mosfets?
Also, what is the reson behind this issue? (I think it is mostly due to current spikes, How can these spikes be avoided?)