Motor caracteristics M8325S 100KV - Minimal speed


I use the motor below : Motor with encoder magnet - M8325s 100KV — ODrive with this board : ODrive S1 — ODrive and I would like to know more about carateristics of M8325S 100KV motor.

I have a question, what is the minimal speed (revolution/s) of this motor ? What is your recommandation to go lower as possible with smooth operation ?

Also, i’m interested if you have more informations about Odrive S1 and M8325S for use these products together (example of typical configuration with these this two product).

Thanks in advance for your help. Kind Regards.

Hi! Minimal speed really depends on the torque, external loads, inertia, etc. Using anticogging you could probably get down to 0.05-0.1 rev/s semi-smoothly, and even further with a high-resolution external encoder (higher resolution than the 12-bit onboard encoder on the S1).

Really you can use the motor however you’d like. Is there a specific question you’re looking to get answered, e.g. how the motors mount?

Here’s a fun project a Youtuber made that uses the M8325s + S1:

If you’re willing to share a bit more about your use case and application, I’m happy to help provide some better recommendations!


I’m working with @Gautier_MOREAU on this product. The motor is fixed on a structure that will move horizontally along a rail, by pulling a wire attached at the end of the rail.
We use the internal encoder for now. We want to move slowly and continuously. (few cm by seconds)
I cannot control it by position and thus, try to control it with velocity. If I set velocity too low it takes until 6sec before to succeed to move. It seems related to its weight.
Is there something we can do ? I tried without the velocity ramp (passthrough) but did not get any luck.
I currently have difficulty understanding soft velocity limit or velocity feedforward.

Best regards,

That sounds like an issue with your PID tuning – have you tuned vel_gain / vel_integrator gain?


I discover these settings!
Is this done with calibration when using the GUI interface ?
If not, I guess I need to follow these step: Tuning the Controller — ODrive Documentation 0.6.9 documentation Right ?

Thanks !


Correct on which point? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hahaha sorry, correct that you need to tune the controller. There will be auto-tuning in the future, but that’s not functionality we have quite yet.

You can also qualitatively tune the controller in the GUI, just by increasing/decreasing vel_gain and vel_integrator_gain to get a stable and tight response.


That’s clear thank you.
For our POC we have change the system so that the motor has two wire (one on each end of the rail): when one is pulled, the other is release. Before that we had two motors (one for each wire). Thank to this new system we have already sucessfully reduced the speed until 0.2 rpm/s!
When I have time to tune these settings I will do it, but sadly it sure will be in a few months