Motor Error, forced shutdown

Hello, I have a problem with my motor. When I try to reach small positions, for example:

odrv0.axis0.controller.input_pos = 0.5
odrv0.axis0.controller.input_pos = 0.8

it performs a good position control without any major difficulties. However, when I try to do more than 3 or 4 turns,

odrv0.axis0.controller.input_pos = 4

El motor acelera rápidamente y se detiene automáticamente forzando el apagado y hace un golpe interno (al menos creo que es un golpe).

This is the error I see after the failure:

In [128]: print(odrv0.axis0.error)
In [129]: print(odrv0.axis0.motor.error)

PS: Sometimes it doesn’t even turn off, it just gets stuck, the coils start to rattle loudly and the current consumption increases.

Hi! Can you please give a bit more information as to your setup? Specifically:

  • What ODrive, motor, and encoder are you using?
  • Can you share some images of the wiring and encoder mounting?
  • When you have the errors, can you show the output of dump_errors(odrv0)?
  • I am using an Xdrive mini from the makerbase brand that has an integrated encoder as is the Odrive Pro and I have a 90kv motor from the eaglepower brand
  • Before it worked perfectly, it had good position control and could turn many times (more than 100 turns) without any problem, however after some demanding torque tests the engine stopped working normally.
  • In [7]: dump_errors(odrv0)
    axis: Error(s):
    motor: Error(s):
    fet_thermistor: no error
    motor_thermistor: no error
    encoder: no error
    controller: no error


I’d say you should probably increase current_lim_margin and switch to pos_filter or trap_traj input mode. However, unfortunately we really can’t help with those clone ODrives, they have all sorts of reliability and performance issues (and the encoder is much worse than that on the Pro :slight_smile: ). Really high current noise is a common issue, which could absolutely explain this. I’d recommend picking up a genuine ODrive or reaching out to the manufacturer for support.