Motor not running at set speed

I am using this motor:

KV: 100
And I am using a 360 W power source (36 V and 10 A max) with ODrive S1.
I count 40 magnets and have set the pole pairs parameter as 20 with the ODrive online wizard.

I have the gains as follows

When I turn to position control, the motor is seems to be doing fine but if I use velocity mode and command it to turn at 2 rev / s, I only see live plotter at about 1 rev/s. And both velocity and current oscillate a lot.

I also tried the below values for gains:

Velocity Integrator Gain: 6.25
Velocity Gain: 1.25
Velocity Limit: 20
Position Gain: 500
Position Filter Bandwidth: 10

The position control still seems to be fine but the ramped velocity control mode does not show any change in behavior.

Would like suggestions on what could I do next. I think the power source is enough. I am using the ODrive OA1 encoder.

Hm, this definitely could be a calibration issue. A few questions:

  • Is the OA1 mounted exactly coaxial with the motor shaft?
  • Are you using the encoder magnets from our shop? How are you mounting them to the motor shaft?
  • Did you do motor/encoder calibration under no load whatsoever?

Maybe you could post a video of the motor turning at that 2 rev/s speed?

  • Yes, the OA1 is exactly on the shaft

  • Yes, the encoder magnet is from the shop. It sits on top of the rotor with the help of a small 3D printed part and the magnet sticks out of it. The encoder sits on top of that at a little distance with optimal field strength.

  • Yes, I don’t currently have something to mount the motor on but I held the stator in my hand so that the rotor is able to freely move.

Video below for when the motor turns at 2 rev/s

In that video you were only using vel_gain – your vel_integrator_gain was zero. This is typically not enough to correct for steady-state error, can you try again but with vel_integrator_gain increased to maybe 0.5?

I tried different vel_integrator_gains unto 6.25 but the behavior is the same

Strange! Can you post screenshots of each page in the configuration setup?


Last step


I changed the parameters and set the motor type to high_current keeping everything else the same. It does spin at 2 rev/s now. But now irrespective of the control mode I choose, it always ends in DC_BUS_OVER_REGEN_CURRENT. Does that mean the power source (10 A max current) is not sufficient for the motor?

Oh - yeah the gimbal mode is definitely incorrect. That’s only for very very very high resistance and low power motors.

Regarding the over regen current - your power supply is fine, but your system has no way to deal with regenerated power. You need to either use a battery (and set the “DC max negative current” on page 1 “Power Source” to your battery’s maximum charge rate) or wire in and enable a brake resistor on page 1 “Power Source”. Alternatively, use a regen clamp.

Also, your gains are likely now way too high :slight_smile: would recommend reducing them and tuning again.

This was great. Thanks for the help. The motor does spin perfectly now.

Great to hear!