I recently purchased an ODrive Pro, the D5065 270kv motor, and the optical encoder. I’ve been through the setup notes and the forum and I’m pretty confused about what additional hardware I need to operate it with an Arduino. There are many different answers and opinions on the forum. I was hoping to get a more official answer, but its not really covered in the documentation.
Do I need digital isolation on my uArt lines?
Do I need separate power supplies for the ODrive and the Arduino?
Do I need additional capacitors or resistors soldered onto the ODrive?
I am using a 24V AC/DC power supply. Do I need a brake resistor?
Much simplified. I will look into current sinking on my amazon.com 24VDC 10A power supply wall-wart. I believe that the ODrive Pro does not have dedicated connection points for the breaking resistor like the V3 did. Is that true? If it is true, is there a known best approach for integrating a braking resistor? I suppose I could design a circuit that watches for max current or max speed and switches the resistor into series - but someone must have already solved this problem. The only answer I think I saw on the forum was perhaps to purchase an ODrive S1 to handle that connection. That can’t be the best answer, could it?
I think I am going to go with a battery while I learn about the drive and get it integrated with the motor and calibrated. I’m asking all these questions to make sure I don’t damage any ODrive hardware with a dumb mistake. Seems like battery is the quickest and safest path for me to get started.
Long term I’d like to use it in a permanent installation so I still am interested!