Odrive repair after frying the CPU


I have a problem with my odrive, I fried the CPU and 3.3 regulator by accidentally shorting main power line with sck line, ended up with 3.3 shorted to GND. I replaced the CPU and the regulator, everything seemed to be fine but after a short time I lost SCK signal. I managed to remap the signal to GPIO8 line and everything has been fine for another hour or so, and now I have lost CAN signal.
There are no shorts on 3V or 5V can’t find any other failures but the CPU is getting really hot.
What can cause such issues?

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Just found that there was a bridge between VCAP_1 and AUX_H line. Could that cause frying some pins? And the question is, will it work properly now, or the chip will just continue to fry pin by pin?

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Can you check that there is no bridge (or any significant capacitance more than 1nF) between the motor wires and the SPI wires?

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