Planning Sequential Target Positions While Maintaining Speed

Hello, I have a robotic arm project that uses 3 odrives with some agricultural drone motors, movement to one target point works great however for smooth arc movement I need to be able to set 1 target pos, have it accelerate up to max speed and not decelerate once reaching target pos 1 where then it should move to target pos 2 without slowing down, I can do this by bypassing the position control loop and directly using the velocity control loop however I doubt I will be able to make anywhere near as good a position control loop from scratch as the odrive team has. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Hi! You would typically do this by planning a trajectory offboard to the ODrive, and computing the position and velocity at each timestamp (e.g., every 10ms). From there, you’d stream each point to the ODrive, also passing it the corresponding velocity feedforward, so that the ODrive maintains its speed throughout the trajectory. Happy to recommend some methods to do so!