Reading Odrive Voltage from CAN BUS


I want to read the Voltage Bus from an extenal STM32 connected to the CAN BUS. U understand the simply way to do it is with CANsimple.

Can somebody explain me on idicate where I can find the information I should place in the bus?

In the green frame I should place the canID of the Odrive and the command_ID?
#define id_RX 0x03 << 5 | 0x17

Or I should put the ID of the external uC? In this case, how put the ID of the Odrive + CMD?

Hi! I’d recommend checking out our CAN guide: CAN Bus Guide — ODrive Documentation 0.6.10 documentation

Specifically, if you wanted to look for a Get_Bus_Voltage_Current message (ID of 0x017) from an ODrive with node ID of 0x4, you’d look for an arbitration ID of 0x4 << 5 | 0x017 = 0x97.

You can request the ODrive to send a message by sending the desired message with the RTR bit set to 1, but typically we recommend using cyclic messages.