ROS CAN driver for ODrive

Hi everybody,

While working on my project I needed to control 3 ODrive boards operating 6 motor wheels from ROS over a CAN bus. As I didn’t find an off the shelf solution I had to write a simple driver for ROS. It only works with velocity control but still can be useful for somebody working on a task like that.

Best regards,
Victor Belov


How is the real-time performance? How often to update instructions at the fastest


Well, in my setup I do that at 10Hz rate on 6 axises with CAN bus at 250000 bitrate and that is enough for my project. I don’t see a problem to do that at a higher rate with higher CAN bus bitrates. As soon as the CAN bus will be able to handle the traffic, which depends on update rate and number of axises you use, it should work.

Best regards,
Victor Belov

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Great work, I’ll be using this as soon as the CAN hat for my Pi arrives. Thank you!
