A friend and I are making a SCARA with 4 DOF using bldc motors and Odrives. We already bought 2 boards but still haven’t received them so no test have been done yet.
I want to use ROS for this robot so what I plan to do is connect both of the Odrive boards to a Raspberry pi using the neomanic ROS node (https://github.com/neomanic/odrive_ros). I would like to try different control strategies and for that I suppose that should use the Odrive in the current mode, is this possible with the neomanic ROS node?
Do you have any general recommendations when using the Odrive with the Raspberry pi, is there any issue with communication speed or something similar?
I also been reading different post and I noted that there is a CAN BUS interface (CAN Interface Available for Testing) in what case one would need to use this protocol, is it faster?
Thanks a lot for this project, we hope we can make a contribution!