I also started building communication between an STM32F4 and ODrive using CAN interface. However, I don’t see any response for my CAN message for velocity control at ODrive.
Can someone please help me with this matter ?
Below image is my simple code development for CAN Tx message; The CAN message is set to send with the button input interrupt.
Thank you.
I have not used the speed mode, but I have used the position trajectory mode. This is my code based on STM32F4. I hope it could give you some help.
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Thanks a for your kind response @Kang_Wang
I even tried position control, more similar to your attached code. Still its not working. May I know what CAN transceiver you are using with STM32F4 discovery board and just to double check, how you define your ID and CMD in your code.
Thanks again.
hi,brother!are you already resloved