UI for Odrivetool

FIY. With new odrivetool this doesn’t work. I trying to understand the underlying changes, I thought few things I can just fix up quickly, but even the main objects that I used on generating all the configs doesn’t exist anymore. Got to find alternative ways…

New odrivetool? Which revision / branch is it on? Those sound like some large breaking changes…

Just released v0.5.2. . I mean they changed a bunch of variable names again all over the place but these would be no problem as we generated things automatically. But now objects that I used to iterate though are not there anymore.

I wrote something similar with tkinter so it can run on pi a year ago and after v0.5.2 it do not work anymore as well. I use “x._remote_attributes.items()” grab all the data to iterate through, but since 0.5.2 moved to new libfiber implementation this method no longer work. I still try to find the method to use with the newer libfiber object, I will be very much appreciate if someone can give me a pointer or suggestion what to do. Thanks!

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I asked the same question at https://discourse.odriverobotics.com/t/re-firmware-0-5-2-release-thread/7172?u=tinker_inc

To iterate over property members of an object you can look at how odrivetool fetches a configuration snapshot:

So in UI I made I use the same thing

To get attributes odrivetool_UI.py · odrive_52 · Povilas / UI_odrivetool · GitLab
drive_dict = self.get_dict(my_drive, my_drive, True) with get_dict and obj_to_path

and to see if it’s read-only or read-write

Use hasattr(exchange_property, “exchange”) to see if it’s read-write .

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@tinker_inc Thanks so much for responding! I will follow your suggestion and give it a try.

Hello, look nice, is there any update and where to find it ?