Unexpected motor spin after position control

No problems with running


and no errors came up when running


But motor sometimes spinned very fast in one direction while sometimes it held position…
Any help?

I fond out something odd which is the pos_setpoint pumped up to a very large negative number from 0.details about odrv0.axis1.controller
before and after command odrv0.axis1.requested_state=AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL are shown below:

error = 0x0000 (int)
pos_setpoint = 0.0 (float)
vel_setpoint = 0.0 (float)
vel_integrator_current = 0.0 (float)
current_setpoint = 0.0 (float)
vel_ramp_target = 0.0 (float)
vel_ramp_enable = False (bool)
control_mode = 4 (int)
pos_gain = 20.0 (float)
vel_gain = 0.0005000000237487257 (float)
vel_integrator_gain = 0.0010000000474974513 (float)
vel_limit = 50000.0 (float)
vel_limit_tolerance = 1.2000000476837158 (float)
vel_ramp_rate = 10000.0 (float)
setpoints_in_cpr = False (bool)
set_pos_setpoint(pos_setpoint: float, vel_feed_forward: float, current_feed_forward: float)
set_vel_setpoint(vel_setpoint: float, current_feed_forward: float)
set_current_setpoint(current_setpoint: float)
move_to_pos(pos_setpoint: float)
move_incremental(displacement: float, from_goal_point: bool)

error = 0x0000 (int)
pos_setpoint = -3.593795787244739e+26 (float)
vel_setpoint = -131218552.0 (float)
vel_integrator_current = -0.475469172000885 (float)
current_setpoint = 0.0 (float)
vel_ramp_target = 0.0 (float)
vel_ramp_enable = False (bool)
control_mode = 4 (int)
pos_gain = 20.0 (float)
vel_gain = 0.0005000000237487257 (float)
vel_integrator_gain = 0.0010000000474974513 (float)
vel_limit = 50000.0 (float)
vel_limit_tolerance = 1.2000000476837158 (float)
vel_ramp_rate = 10000.0 (float)
setpoints_in_cpr = False (bool)
set_pos_setpoint(pos_setpoint: float, vel_feed_forward: float, current_feed_forward: float)
set_vel_setpoint(vel_setpoint: float, current_feed_forward: float)
set_current_setpoint(current_setpoint: float)
move_to_pos(pos_setpoint: float)
move_incremental(displacement: float, from_goal_point: bool)


Do you have UART, i2c, or CAN configured?

emmm…I used the UART and I took the “UART congiure” as including protocol in the firmware.I used the previously released firmware version v4.10 which have ASCII protocol included.

my tup.config file is there:



It is possible that noise managed to write p <float> on UART (or corrupt an otherwise valid p command). Make sure your UART device and ODrive are grounded together.

This may not be cause because I used usb which should be gounded with PCB.Besides I had tried GPIO 1,2 pin and gound pin ,didn’t worked

Is it possible that the PID paras do not fit…

It looks like you’re in control_mode = 4, which is the Trajectory Control mode. Somehow you’ve entered that mode (this can be done with a t command on UART)

Do me favour, and do an odrv0.erase_configuration() odrv0.save_configuration() and odrv0.reboot(), then setup your odrive again to get one axis going on USB. Then once it works, you can try to control it over UART.