USB connection not working after accidental reverse polarity connection


I have built a force feedback joystick utilising the Odrive V3.6 controller.

Unfortunately in a moment of absent-mindednes i accidently tried to plug the XT-60H power connector in the wrong way and i saw a big spark.

The Odrive V3.6 is not completely dead as the joystick goes through it’s calibration sequence ok checking both the X/Y axis’s travel limits before returning to it’s center point. Once the joystick has successfully calibrated, i should then receive a notification on my computer saying that the joystick is ready for use.

Unfortunately it looks like i have damaged the USB circuitry as my Odrive will no longer connect to my computer, i was just wondering if this is repairable ??. I can’t see any obvious visible damage on the board.

It looks like a component or chip has been damaged and since i have nothing to lose i would be willing to have a go at replacing the damaged component.

Please could i ask for suggestions as to what components on the USB circuitry side are likely to have been damaged during a reverse polarity connection ??.


Oops, very sorry to hear that happened!

Frankly pretty impressed that it still can do the motor drive :slight_smile:

Looks like the microcontroller is alive, but the USB circuitry probably knocked out, I agree.

I’d try to replace U2, the main microcontroller. Part number is STM32F405RGT6. Once you do that, you can re-program with an ST-Link.

Thankyou for the reply.

I’ve just ordered the replacement STM32F405RGT6 chip and bought myself a new soldering workstation with a hot air attachment. I’ve never desoldered a surface mounted chip before so it’s going to be an interesting little project… fingers crossed replacing the chip will hopefully fix the board.

Hopefully – if that doesn’t work, I can give more diagnosis steps!

Note you’ll want some leaded solder, good tweezers, and an ungodly amount of flux – I recommend Chipquik SMD291 – leaves a sticky residue but does a great job. Make sure to also preheat the board if possible, since it’s pretty thick copper, so a lot of thermal mass.

I only have unleaded solder, can i use that instead of leaded ??.

I have a PCB heater similar to the one above, it’s a bit small but at least it will provide some localised heat to the area.

Unleaded requires a higher melting point, which can make rework a bit more difficult – but very possible, I just prefer leaded since it’s a bit easier. All things considered, the STM32 is a pretty simple package – you can just solder the new one on with plenty of flux and some solder braid.

That preheater will probably be a bit difficult since there’s components on both sides of the board – you can probably just get a hairdryer and heatsoak the board up to around 75-100C. Generally be careful with the larger electrolytic capacitors and the yellow tantalum capacitor, those can’t take too much heat.

I’ve just bought myself some leaded solder to hopefully make my life a bit easier.

The above is the chip that i have bought, it has a different appearence to the one that is fitted and it dosen’t have the two orientation circles. I’ll need to find the data sheet to try and confirm correct orientation, i’m assuming for now that the writing on the chip must allign with that of the original chip.

I’ve never removed/refitted an IC before so my plan of attack is to : -

  1. Shield the surrounding area with tin foil to help protect againts heat damage.

  2. Use my gas soldering iron with it’s heat blower attachment to heat the chip up slowly to heat soak the area.

  3. Then use my temperature controlled heat blower soldering iron and heat up the STM32 legs evenly and gently remove IC with some tweezers once it’s ready to detach itself.

  4. Clean up the pads with braiding/isopropyl cleaning fluid.

  5. Orientate new chip on pads, tack a couple of legs to hold it the IC in place and then solder the IC’s legs one by one.

  6. Clean up

What could possibly go wrong :slight_smile:

They make it look easy on the Youtube videos !!!..

That’s similar to what I do! I honestly don’t bother with the tinfoil, but you’ll want it to avoid melting the surrounding connectors haha.

Maybe throw the whole board in the oven at 100C or so for the preheat? Other than that, looks good! Remember to use plenty of flux when both desoldering and resoldering.

With regards to the new chip orientation, would you agree with my statement : -

“writing on the chip must align with that of the original chip” ???.

I would hate to solder the new chip on and then have to remove it again because it’s been fitted the wrong way !!!.

When i have time i will look at the data sheet…

The chip is tiny, so soldering the legs individually is going to be hard … i’ve just ordered myself a big table mounted magnifying glass … equipped with a light !!!..

Hmmm, I think that’s probably a safe bet, with the markings.

ST seems to indicate the pin1 marking will be the smaller dot:

Note that the pin1 mark is usually a laser marking, and the other confusing markings on the chip package are usually ejection pins from the injection molding they do to make the chip casing, so you can look at the surface finish and get a bit of an idea there.

Today i managed to remove the chip, it required a lot of heat but once it was ready it fell off. I just hope i haven’t cooked C50 and C51 in the process… !!!.

I’ve cleaned up the pads and i don’t appear to have any shorts between any of them.

I’ll see what markings the new chip has once i have it but i think i’m right in my assumption with regards to the orientation.

Wonderful! Maybe send a pic of the chip and I can help identify the orientation?

The original chip just before i removed it.

The new chip

The new IC’s appearance is very similar to what i have just removed so no problem concerning it’s correct orientation :)…

Looks good to me!