Who wants to go wireless?

So ive been coding and diy electronics for while now. I paid full price few years ago for odrive v3.6 differential board. Even with a degree ive managed to accidently cause a ground loop on other projects. So 2 weeks ago i started working on a way to connect NRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless RF Transceiver Module to odrive. Powering it from odrive 3.6 gpio. I fanally have it working. Using 2 odrive 3.6 each with own 36v battery, powering 4 brushless hub motors. And raspi and arduino are powered from ryobi 18v 6ah battery. So why am i talking about this? How to i recommend to makers of odrive into building there own wireless brushless controller?

Cool! Feel free to send us an email at info@odriverobotics.com or something! Would be super cool if you could make it an open source project for the community to use!