Arduino and CAN bus

Hey Guys,

I am working on a project and using Odrive S1 motor controller ODrive S1 Datasheet — ODrive Documentation 0.6.10 documentation. I am facing a problem. I want to connect this controller to arduino uno through CAN bus i am using CAN-BUS Shield V2.0 | Seeed Studio Wiki and i connected CAN H and L from the CAN sheild to Odrive S1 controller connector to pin 1 and pin 2 respectively on connector j11.

I also did the configuration accordingly and tried to run your given example SineWaveCAN but on arduino it get stuck on Starting ODriveCAN demo
Waiting for ODrive…

can you please help me in this.

Hi - I think we responded on the Discord. Could you check our response there?

Hey, I have an Odrive S1 and am trying to connect it to an mcp2515 CAN Transceiver. I don’t have the jst connectors required for J16 or J17 since most tutorials mention to use those.

Can I connect Transceiver to J11 1 or 3 CAN L and 2,4 CAN H?

No difference – CAN is both on J11 and J16/J17 for ease of wiring, they’re internally connected on the board.