Build on windows with make complains existing subdirectory -p, autogen

Hello all,

I was finally able to setup build environment for vscode on windows 11.
make command runs ok to 100% however whenever try to rebuild the code, it keeps complaining about existing subdirectories named “-p” and “autogen”.
It seems like every time it build, the build tool is generating the same folders.
So I have to manually delete above folders for every make command which is quite annoying.

Is there a way to bypass this process so that it ignores existing folders like these.

Also I am getting following errors after a successful build which seems like it is failed to copy the binaries to the output folder. Am I correct? How to solve this issue?

'!' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'cp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


Delete your existing make installation and use this, which includes the other binutils: Release xPack Windows Build Tools v4.3.0-1 · xpack-dev-tools/windows-build-tools-xpack · GitHub

You just need to put the /bin/ folder on your PATH.

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