Hello all,
Please excuse me, but I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to the Odrive.
I am trying to connect my RPi 4 to the Odrive (v3.6) over UART. I have GPIO14, 15, & 6 on the Pi (which correspond to TX, RX, & GND) connected to GPIO2, 1, & GND on the Odrive respectively.
I have no problem connecting the Odrive to USB and getting communication that way, this project just requires that I communicate differently.
To make sure I cover my bases, I will walk through the proccess of what I did after the aforementioned connection:
On the RPi 4, I added myself to the dialout group.
In the code, I use the command:
OdriveSerial serial = ODriveSerial(2000000, "/dev/ttyS0", read_callback)
which doesn’t work, and instead gives me an error saying "open: No such file or directory. If I use the port for the USB, everything works well. I’ve also tried /dev/ttyAMA0 to establish connection, but I get the same error as previous.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!