How to communicate between odrive V3.6 and STM32 Nucleo using uart?

I want to use the STM32 Nucleo to control the ODrive V3.6 via UART, but I am facing an issue where I cannot directly send commands to the ODrive V3.6. Has anyone had experience with this setup?

Hi! Have you verified the baudrates are correct? Can you post a picture of your wiring?


Thank you so much for replying my question.

Glad I can help! What’s the specific issue here - is the ODrive not returning a response to your command? How are you checking/polling for this?

Dear Solomondg
This is a confused question for me too. what you mean is we can directly use UART port to send ASCII protocol to communicate with the ODrive 3.6 board? if it is true , we can use Serial assistant instead of STM32 NUCLEO BOARD to do so.
Would you please tell me if it is true?
Thanks a lot.
Best regards

Yes, the ODrive supports communication over UART. You can see the protocol here: ASCII Protocol — ODrive Documentation 0.5.6 documentation

Dear Solomondg
Thanks a lot again.
Best regards