Odrive Micro SPI nCS high state


I am trying to get Odrive Micro with AS5048A encoder. While trying to calibrate motor with plugged through SPI encoder I got an NO_RESPONSE error. First time I plugged encoder wrongly (bad wiring) so I change it, but error stays the same. Could I damage the SPI port of the Odrive? Everything else works fine alongside with onboard encoder reading. I try to understand how it works, because even after setting SPI encoder through gui or odrivetool, nCS pin is set to HIGH. I tried with pull-up resistor for nCS after reading about about possible initialization error of this encoder because of messages sent during boot up (docs/encoders.md: recommend a pull-up resistor on CS pin for AMS enco… · szeder/ODrive@66e4856 · GitHub), but it does not help. I will be very grateful for any help and hint to resolve this.

Hi! Can you post a picture of your wiring? Have you connected the MOSI on the AS5048A to VCC? Which ODrive Micro revision is this? It’ll say on the top of the board here:

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thanks for quick reply. I have REV X4. Wiring is as presented below

here is rotatedf but full pinout of the encoder