ODrive - ROS Melodic

Hello I am using Python 2.7 with ROS Melodic to controll ODrive 3.6.
I am also using a VirtualBox with Ubuntu 18.04.5
I am using neomanic´s driver and when I execute “rosrun odrive_ros odrive_node” the following lines appear:
[INFO] [1705667194.253468]: ODrive will publish motor currents.
[INFO] [1705667194.257233]: Connecting to ODrive…
[INFO] [1705667195.925089]: ODrive connected.

File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fibre/remote_object.py”, line 245, in getattribute
return object.getattribute(self, name)
AttributeError: ‘RemoteObject’ object has no attribute ‘Ibus’

File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fibre/remote_object.py”, line 245, in getattribute
return object.getattribute(self, name)
AttributeError: ‘RemoteObject’ object has no attribute ‘pos_cpr’

Does anyone know what is happening and the solution? Thanks

Which ROS node are you using?

I am using this script: src/odrive_ros/odrive_node.py
I downloaded it from GitHub - neomanic/odrive_ros: ROS driver for the ODrive motor drive

Do you get any solution to run Odrive on ROS Melodic Ubuntu 18.04?
I am new to this and want to control my BLDC motors using Odrive in ROS with Jetson Nano.
Please tell any documentation or tutorial for this

We don’t have an official ROS package for the ODrive v3.6 or for ROS1, but you could try this open-source package: GitHub - neomanic/odrive_ros: ROS driver for the ODrive motor drive