ODRIVE S1 Loses Calibration


I am using 6 ODrives S1 that are communicating with a Teensy 4.1 over UART,
Things are going great. However, at random instances of time some of the controllers lose calibration and request full state calibration all over again,
This is a big problem as i have the system wire-actuated and i have to loose the tension to redo the calibration,

This happened randomly with 2 odrives 3 times on a period of about a month,
When this happens, i usually go to ODrive GUI and indeed i no longer can read position, velocity or torque, consequently, i can’t command anything until i redo calibration,

Any ideas on what could be the problem?
Thank you,

Hi AYildiz98,

Hm, that’s interesting. Some questions:

  • Are you using CRCs in your communication with the Teensy?
  • Does the entire ODrive have its config erased and returns to all default settings, or is it specifically and only the motor / encoder calibration?
  • What encoders are you using?
  • Would you be willing to share your communication code on the Teensy?
  • Does this only happen on specific ODrives, or is it effectively random as to which ODrives it happens to?
  • Dumb question - after calibrating the ODrives, you save the configuration, yes?
  • What ODrive S1 revision do you have? You can check on the bottom left of the top face of the board

Hello Solomon,
I asked this question a while ago and totally forgot to follow up on this,

The issue i mentioned previously came back again, out of 6 odrives communicating with a single teensy, every time 1 random odrive loses calibration,
To answer the questions you asked previously,

  • Are you using CRCs in your communication with the Teensy?
    Can you please elaborate on what is a CRC? I have direct communication between the teensy and odrive, no intermediate hardware and software being used.

  • Does the entire ODrive have its config erased and returns to all default settings, or is it specifically and only the motor / encoder calibration?
    In GUI, it loses all pre-setted parameters, PID gains, anti-cogging calibration, uart baudrate and gpio pins, and again, the enocder is not reading anything.

  • What encoders are you using?
    The built-in magnetic encoder.

  • Would you be willing to share your communication code on the Teensy?
    Sure, i will on a different thread.

  • Does this only happen on specific ODrives, or is it effectively random as to which ODrives it happens to?
    It appears to be random, yesterday i lost calibration with one controller and today a different one.

  • Dumb question - after calibrating the ODrives, you save the configuration, yes?
    Yes, the controllers behave nicely and respond with no issue until one of them decide to lose all calibrations.

  • What ODrive S1 revision do you have? You can check on the bottom left of the top face of the board
    Rev A1

This would only happen when i start modifying the GUI parameters and teensy code. As if there is cross-talk happening that leads to this issue. Before i connect any of the controller to the GUI through USB, i make sure that teensy is off and is not communicating with the controllers.
However, when i uploaded a teensy code to the system and stopped making modifications on either side, the system was working fine for months,

Any ideas?
Thank you

// Script to read from and command to all 6 motors in Real-Time followed
// by sending to host-pc throuh UDP Packets
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <SPI.h>

// Includes needed for Ethernet
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <EthernetUdp.h>

// Includes needed for motor controller
#include <ODriveArduino.h>

// The baudrate must match the baudrate configured on the ODrive.
// Note that the default clock speed for Teensy 4.1 is 2Mhz but can reach 600MHz without cooling.
// Therefore max theoretical baudrate without cooling on Teensy side is 37500000
// Min clock period for SPI to read encoder is 100 ns which implies max baudrate to be 625000
// Therefore max theoretical baudrate is 625000
float baudrate = 625000; //max theoretical is 625000

// Visit Pjrc website for serial pin inputs // RX (ODrive TX), TX (ODrive RX)
HardwareSerial& odrive_serial1 = Serial1;
HardwareSerial& odrive_serial2 = Serial2;
HardwareSerial& odrive_serial3 = Serial3;
HardwareSerial& odrive_serial4 = Serial5;
HardwareSerial& odrive_serial5 = Serial7;
HardwareSerial& odrive_serial6 = Serial8;

// Initialize Odrive Object
ODriveArduino odrive1(odrive_serial1);
ODriveArduino odrive2(odrive_serial2);
ODriveArduino odrive3(odrive_serial3);
ODriveArduino odrive4(odrive_serial4);
ODriveArduino odrive5(odrive_serial5);
ODriveArduino odrive6(odrive_serial6);

// ******************************//
// Homing Parameters
//float Motor_home[6] = {1.5708, 1.5708, 1.5708, 0.7854, 0.7854, 1.5708}; // [Rad] - Home Positions at Joint Level - TEMP
float Motor_home[6] = {1.0472, 1.3962, 1.5708, 1.1519, 1.0035, 1.5708}; // [Rad] - for Right Arm

// Motors 1, 2, 3 (upper 5-bar), 4,5,6 (lower 5-bar)
float Motor_offset[6] = {3.14159, 3.14159, 1.5708, 1.5708, 1.5708, 1.5708}; // [Rad] - offset to match kinematic model in MATLAB
float Capstan_Ratio = 20.0 / 80.0; // Gear Ratio For motors 1,2,4 and 5
float Belt_Ratio = 16.43 / 68.0; // Gear Ratio (MISUMI Belts) For moto 3 and 6
float Encoder_Ratio = 6.2832; // [rad/turn]
float Encoder_Home = 0.5; // [Turns] For all 6 motors
double q_enc[6]; // [Turns] - Current Reading at Motor Level
double q_curr[6]; // [Rad] - Current Reading at Joint Level (Output Level)

double Motor_Torque[6];
int Kv = 330.0; // [rpm/V] Specified to D5312S Motor
double Torque_Const = 8.27 / Kv; //[Nm/A]

// ******************************//
// Flags //
// Flag to Enable Closed Loop Mode for all motors. If 0 disabled.
int enable_CL_mode = 0;

// ******************************//
// Ethernet vars
byte mac[] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xFE};
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 135); // local ip - Teensy for left arm
IPAddress sendIP(192, 168, 1, 101); // remote ip - Host PC
unsigned int localPort = 2003;      // local port to listen on
unsigned int sendPort = 2002;      // remote port to send to // 2001 for left arm

const int num_values_in_data_array = 6;
const int num_bytes_in_message = num_values_in_data_array * 4; // we are sending doubles (4 bytes per float)

union {
  float values[num_values_in_data_array];
  char data_buffer[num_bytes_in_message];
} send_data;

union {
  float values[num_values_in_data_array];
  char data_buffer[num_bytes_in_message];
} recv_data;

// Declare the UDP object
EthernetUDP Udp;

// ************* Void Setup ************** //
void setup() {



  // Initialize Odrives' Axis State
  Serial.println("Waiting for ODrives...");
  while (odrive1.getState() == AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED || odrive2.getState() == AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED || odrive3.getState() == AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED
         || odrive4.getState() == AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED || odrive5.getState() == AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED || odrive6.getState() == AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED) {

    if (odrive1.getState() != AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED) {
      Serial.println("ODRIVE1 IS ACTIVE");

    if (odrive2.getState() != AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED) {
      Serial.println("ODRIVE2 IS ACTIVE");

    if (odrive3.getState() != AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED) {
      Serial.println("ODRIVE3 IS ACTIVE");

    if (odrive4.getState() != AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED) {
      Serial.println("ODRIVE4 IS ACTIVE");

    if (odrive5.getState() != AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED) {
      Serial.println("ODRIVE5 IS ACTIVE");

    if (odrive6.getState() != AXIS_STATE_UNDEFINED) {
      Serial.println("ODRIVE6 IS ACTIVE");


  // Check Step - Read DC Voltage for a motor and print it to Serial
  //    Serial.print("DC voltage motor 1: ");

  if (enable_CL_mode == 1) {  // Enable Closed Loop Control
    Serial.println("Enabling closed loop control...");
    while (odrive1.getState() != AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL) {
    while (odrive2.getState() != AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL) {
    while (odrive3.getState() != AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL) {
    while (odrive4.getState() != AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL) {
    while (odrive5.getState() != AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL) {
    while (odrive6.getState() != AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL) {

  Serial.println("ODrives are running!");

  // setup for Ethernet UDP
  Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

  Serial.println("UDP port established");


void loop() {
  //  timer.start();
  //Recieve via UDP
  int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket();
  //  Serial.println("\n Bytes received:");
  //  Serial.println(packetSize);
  Udp.read(recv_data.data_buffer, sizeof(recv_data.data_buffer));
  if (packetSize) {
    Serial.println("\n Bytes received:");
    Serial.println("Data recieved:");
    for (int i = 0; i < (packetSize / 4); i++) {
      Serial.print(" ");

  Serial.println("Motor Torques:");
  double Odrive1_Current = odrive1.getParameterAsFloat("axis0.motor.foc.Iq_setpoint");
  double Odrive1_Torque = Odrive1_Current * Torque_Const;
  Motor_Torque[0] = {Odrive1_Torque};
  Serial.println(Odrive1_Torque, 3);

  double Odrive2_Current = odrive2.getParameterAsFloat("axis0.motor.foc.Iq_setpoint");
  double Odrive2_Torque = Odrive2_Current * Torque_Const;
  Motor_Torque[1] = {Odrive2_Torque};
  Serial.println(Odrive2_Torque, 3);

  double Odrive3_Current = odrive3.getParameterAsFloat("axis0.motor.foc.Iq_setpoint");
  double Odrive3_Torque = Odrive3_Current * Torque_Const;
  Motor_Torque[2] = {Odrive3_Torque};
  Serial.println(Odrive3_Torque, 3);

  double Odrive4_Current = odrive4.getParameterAsFloat("axis0.motor.foc.Iq_setpoint");
  double Odrive4_Torque = Odrive4_Current * Torque_Const;
  Motor_Torque[3] = {Odrive4_Torque};
  Serial.println(Odrive4_Torque, 3);

  double Odrive5_Current = odrive5.getParameterAsFloat("axis0.motor.foc.Iq_setpoint");
  double Odrive5_Torque = Odrive5_Current * Torque_Const;
  Motor_Torque[4] = {Odrive5_Torque};
  Serial.println(Odrive5_Torque, 3);

  double Odrive6_Current = odrive6.getParameterAsFloat("axis0.motor.foc.Iq_setpoint");
  double Odrive6_Torque = Odrive6_Current * Torque_Const;
  Motor_Torque[5] = {Odrive6_Torque};
  Serial.println(Odrive6_Torque, 3);

  // ================================================= //

  // Get Motor Position
  //   Feedback for motor 1
  ODriveFeedback feedback1 = odrive1.getFeedback();
  Serial.println(" ");

  q_enc[0] = feedback1.pos;
  //  odrive1.setPosition(q_enc[0]+0.01); // [Turns]
  //  delay(1000);
  //  Serial.println(" ");

  //   Feedback for motor 2
  ODriveFeedback feedback2 = odrive2.getFeedback();
  Serial.println(" ");
  q_enc[1] = feedback2.pos;
  //  odrive2.setPosition(q_enc[1]+0.01); // [Turns]

  //   Feedback for motor 3
  ODriveFeedback feedback3 = odrive3.getFeedback();
  Serial.println(" ");
  q_enc[2] = feedback3.pos;

  //   Feedback for motor 4
  ODriveFeedback feedback4 = odrive4.getFeedback();
  Serial.println(" ");
  q_enc[3] = feedback4.pos;

  //   Feedback for motor 5
  ODriveFeedback feedback5 = odrive5.getFeedback();
  Serial.println(" ");
  q_enc[4] = feedback5.pos;

  //   Feedback for motor 6
  ODriveFeedback feedback6 = odrive6.getFeedback();
  Serial.println(" ");
  q_enc[5] = feedback6.pos;

  // ============================================================//

  // Find motor Readings with homing and transmission gear ratio
  // Calculate output angle from encoder readings (Including belt/gear ratio and encoder ratio)
  //  Serial.println("Motor Position:");
  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    if (i == 0 || i == 1) { //For motors 1 and 2, subtract from 180 deg (in rad) the motor reading to match kinmatic notations
      q_curr[i] =  Motor_home[i] + Capstan_Ratio * Encoder_Ratio * (q_enc[i] - Encoder_Home);
      q_curr[i] = Motor_offset[i] - q_curr[i];
      if (i == 0) {
        //        Serial.print("Odrive1:");
        //        Serial.println(q_curr[0]);
        //        Serial.println(" ");
      else {
        //        Serial.print("Odrive2:");
        //        Serial.println(q_curr[1]);
        //        Serial.println(" ");
    else if (i == 3 || i == 4) {
      q_curr[i] =  Motor_home[i] + Capstan_Ratio * Encoder_Ratio * (q_enc[i] - Encoder_Home);
      q_curr[i] = q_curr[i] + Motor_offset[i]; // Add 90 deg (in rad) to motors 4 and 5 readings to match kinematic notations
      if (i == 3) {
        //                Serial.print("Odrive4:");
        //                Serial.println(q_curr[3]);
        //                Serial.println(" ");
      else {
        //        Serial.print("Odrive5:");
        //        Serial.println(q_curr[4]);
        //        Serial.println(" ");
    else if (i == 2) {
      q_curr[i] =  Motor_home[i] + Belt_Ratio * Encoder_Ratio * (q_enc[i] - Encoder_Home);
      q_curr[i] = q_curr[i]; // Motor 3 - Subtraction of 90 deg (in rad) from motors 3 and 6 readings is done on MATLAB after including
      // the fourbar mechanism ratio
      //      Serial.print("Odrive3:");
      //      Serial.println(q_curr[2]);
      //      Serial.println(" ");
    else {
      q_curr[i] =  Motor_home[i] + Belt_Ratio * Encoder_Ratio * (q_enc[i] - Encoder_Home);
      q_curr[i] = PI - q_curr[i]; //
      //      Serial.print("Odrive6:");
      //      Serial.println(q_curr[5]);
      //      Serial.println(" ");

    // Send data back to Matlab via UDP
    send_data.values[i] = (float) q_curr[i];


  //Send Data to remote IP address and port
  Udp.beginPacket(sendIP, sendPort);
  Udp.write(send_data.data_buffer, sizeof(send_data.data_buffer));


  //    timer.stop();
  //    Serial.print("Elapsed Time:");
  //    Serial.println(timer.read());


Hm, how do you know the ODrive needs recalibration? What are the symptoms?

The ODrives simply don’t respond to any move commands and in GUI you see all the encoder readings zeroes,
The controller seeks recalibration to go back to normal,