Problem installing Odrive 3.6 in Win10


When I install Odrive in Anconda3 with pip install odrive, I get “Successfully installed odrive-0.4.11” and there seems to be no problem with the installation.

However, when I run odrivetool I get the following:

odrivetool will also never recognize my Odrive. It always says “No backend available”.
In the device manger Odrive shows up correctly in libusb-win32 devices.

I tried to uninstall and install odrivetool again, but it doesn’t help.

Any idea what went wrong with the installation?



We are also having the same problem and have been troubleshooting through Discord for hours that should have been dedicated to our system design.
What we found so far was that if you set it in DFU mode, it is being recognized as a USB device. That’s all! We are unable to change/upgrade/downgrade the firmware. It detects as an unrecognized usb device at some point but Zadig is unable to install the required win-lib drivers.
This is where we are so far.

Try Linux?

Seriously, libusb on windows is notoriously finnicky. If you have any Linux machine, even a Raspberry Pi, try with that.