Regarding ASCII protocol

I am trying to build the Stanford Doggo. I have setup the odrive v0.4.12

I can move the motor with the ascii trajectory command, however I cant with the position control command. I have tried to use pos_setpoint as shown in the getting started page and that didnt work either.

My current lim is set at 40 and calib current at 20

I am pasting my odrv0.axis0 here:

error = 0x0000 (int)
step_dir_active = False (bool)
current_state = 8 (int)
requested_state = 0 (int)
loop_counter = 25171419 (int)
lockin_state = 0 (int)
  startup_motor_calibration = False (bool)
  startup_encoder_index_search = True (bool)
  startup_encoder_offset_calibration = True (bool)
  startup_closed_loop_control = True (bool)
  startup_sensorless_control = False (bool)
  enable_step_dir = False (bool)
  counts_per_step = 2.0 (float)
  watchdog_timeout = 0.0 (float)
  step_gpio_pin = 1 (int)
  dir_gpio_pin = 2 (int)
  calibration_lockin: ...
  sensorless_ramp: ...
  general_lockin: ...
  error = 0x0000 (int)
  armed_state = 3 (int)
  is_calibrated = True (bool)
  current_meas_phB = -0.1980186104774475 (float)
  current_meas_phC = -0.1697365641593933 (float)
  DC_calib_phB = -0.5670605897903442 (float)
  DC_calib_phC = -0.23330534994602203 (float)
  phase_current_rev_gain = 0.02500000037252903 (float)
  thermal_current_lim = 84.85081481933594 (float)
  current_control: ...
  gate_driver: ...
  timing_log: ...
  config: ...
  error = 0x0000 (int)
  pos_setpoint = 480.0 (float)
  vel_setpoint = 0.0 (float)
  vel_integrator_current = 0.0 (float)
  current_setpoint = 0.0 (float)
  vel_ramp_target = 0.0 (float)
  vel_ramp_enable = False (bool)
  config: ...
  set_pos_setpoint(pos_setpoint: float, vel_feed_forward: float, current_feed_forward: float)
  set_vel_setpoint(vel_setpoint: float, current_feed_forward: float)
  set_current_setpoint(current_setpoint: float)
  move_to_pos(pos_setpoint: float)
  move_incremental(displacement: float, from_goal_point: bool)
  error = 0x0000 (int)
  is_ready = True (bool)
  index_found = True (bool)
  shadow_count = -3715 (int)
  count_in_cpr = 381 (int)
  interpolation = 0.5 (float)
  phase = -0.28592777252197266 (float)
  pos_estimate = -3714.000244140625 (float)
  pos_cpr = 381.75048828125 (float)
  hall_state = 3 (int)
  vel_estimate = 0.0 (float)
  calib_scan_response = 2901.0 (float)
  config: ...
  set_linear_count(count: int)
  error = 0x0000 (int)
  phase = -2.8295764923095703 (float)
  pll_pos = -2.829556703567505 (float)
  vel_estimate = -0.22258782386779785 (float)
  config: ...
  config: ...

let me know if I can add more info