I want to have my motor be able to resist a force up to a certain current limit in two different directions. The following code works to resist force in one direction:
if (c == '7') {
float arm_strength = 34.0; //lbf applied at wrist
int requested_state;
Serial << "Axis" << c << ": Requesting state " << requested_state << '\n'; //put into closed loop control
if(!odrive.run_state(0, requested_state, false /*don't wait*/)) return;
odrive_serial << "w axis0.controller.config.control_mode " << 3 << "\n"; //Control Mode 3 is poisiton control
odrive_serial << "w axis0.controller.config.input_mode " << 1 << "\n"; //Input mode 1 is pass through
float current_req = arm_strength / (ARM_LENGTH/12) / GEAR_RATIO / TORQUE_CONST; //convert force applied at wrist to current
odrive_serial << "w axis0.motor.config.current_lim " << current_req << '\n'; //set the current lim (torque)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Req lbf: 34.00");
static const unsigned long duration = 30000; //Prints to the display for 10s
unsigned long start = millis();
float maxForce = 0.0;
while(millis() - start < duration) { //10s loop
odrive_serial << "r axis0.motor.current_control.Iq_setpoint\n"; //Reads the current being supplied to the current
float Iq_sentpoint = odrive.readFloat();
Serial << Iq_sentpoint << '\n';
float curForce = -Iq_sentpoint * TORQUE_CONST * GEAR_RATIO * ARM_LENGTH/12; // Convert current to force applied at wrist
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Max lbf: ");
if (curForce > maxForce) { //only print the maximum Force
maxForce = curForce;
I would like to add another if statement such that if
the motor resists the force in the opposite direction of rotation. However, when I add a negative sign and try
odrive_serial << "w axis0.motor.config.current_lim " << -current_req << '\n';
nothing changes. Every other way I have also tried has failed.
Does anyone know a way to have the motor resist force in a different direction depending on different inputs to an if statement?