Save_configuration and reboot error

Hi and congratulations on your fine product.

I’ve just started to use the ODrive v3.4 and have a system setup using Ubuntu in a virtual machine. I’ve got to the stage where I can run the ODrive Explorer and view / modify the parameters, but when I issue the following commands, I get these results and the parameters aren’t saved after a power cycle. Any ideas to solve this?

In [3]: my_odrive.save_configuration
Out[3]: functools.partial(<function call_remote_function at 0x7febce674730>, <odrive.protocol.Channel object at 0x7febcbcccc18>, 208, [])

In [4]: my_odrive.reboot
Out[4]: functools.partial(<function call_remote_function at 0x7febce674730>, <odrive.protocol.Channel object at 0x7febcbcccc18>, 212, [])


Ah, nevermind, I see I’ve missed of the parentheses.

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