I started to setup the hoverboard example.
# Hoverboard motor and remote control setup guide
By popular request here follows a step-by-step guide on how to setup the ODrive to drive hoverboard motors using RC PWM input.
Each step is acompanied by some explanation so hopefully you can carry over some of the steps to other setups and configurations.
[![IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE](https://img.youtube.com/vi/ponx_U4xhoM/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ponx_U4xhoM) <br> Click above to play video.
### Hoverboard motor wiring
Hoverboard motors come with three motor phases (usually colored yellow, blue, green) which are thicker, and a set of 5 thinner wires for the hall sensor feedback (usually colored red, yellow, blue, green, black).
You may wire the motor phases in any order into a motor connector on the ODrive, as we will calibrate the phase alignment later anyway. Wire the hall feedback into the ODrive J4 conenctor (make sure that the motor channel number matches) as follows:
| Hall wire | J4 signal |
| Red | 5V |
| Yellow | A |
| Blue | B |
| Green | Z |
| Black | GND |
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All is fine until i try to start both axis like this:
odrv0.axis0.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL
odrv0.axis1.requested_state = AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL
odrv0.axis0.controller.vel_setpoint = 120
odrv0.axis1.controller.vel_setpoint = 120
It worked once. But most of the time axis0 turns off when axis1 turns on and vice versa.
The part with the RF receiver has the same behaviour. I cannot start both axis at the same time. It is one or the other.
Can someone please give me some advice? Have you encountered this issue before?
Have you solder capacitors to encoder Odrive inputs?
No. I did not!
But in this case i was expecting an encoder error . I will add some caps and post an update. Thanks
I fact I also have same issue after capacitors were solder
My setup is Odrive + two hoverboard motors + 12/36 V battery.
Motors are calibrated according to hoverboard motors guide and everything looks fine. So I setup PWM control with velosity range ±200 and connect my autopilot. It works fine just 30 seconds )))
I constantly had hall encoder error so I solder 22nF capacitors and set ignore hall erros in config.
Next try - and after 1 min I get axis errors ERROR_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT_TIMEOUT. If i reset this error - next eror in 30sec - 4 mins.