Structure of msg when connecting the two motor to one odrive

IEnumerator Poll()
while (true)
string str = “r axis0.encoder.pos_estimate\n”;
byte data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);

    string str1 = "r axis1.encoder.pos_estimate\n";
    byte[] data1 = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str1);

    byte[] msg0 = ReadUntilEndMarker();
    byte[] msg1 = ReadUntilEndMarker();

    if (msg0 != null && msg1 != null)
        String input0 = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg0);
        ang0 = float.Parse(input0);
        ang0 = ang0 * 360 / Ratio;

        String input1 = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(msg1);
        float ang1 = float.Parse(input1);
        ang1 = ang1 * 360 / Ratio;

        Debug.Log("Motor 0 Angle: " + ang0);
        Debug.Log("Motor 1 Angle: " + ang1);
        Debug.Log("Failed to read messages from the serial port");

    yield return new WaitForSeconds(PollInterval);


Hi, could you please reiterate the question?
What does this code snippet output?