USB 2 CAN communication issue

I’m experimenting with CAN communication so to understand the protocol better and currently am using the device USB2CAN-C by INNOMAKER ( ). On an odrive s1.Here is my configuration I made on the GUI

Here is the CAN frame data I am sending using that device.

So I have tried every combination in the data frame of that UI to get a request command other than Get_Version from little endian to big. It seems no matter what I try, I only get back the data for that command.

EDIT: SOLVED: Just found out that it seems that Frame Id in the UI is message identifier section in the data frame. Sorry seems like that should have been obvious but for some reason was not piecing that together for a while. Not sure if you guys want to keep this thread up but if it will help anyone else that may happen to use the UI, just make sure FRAME ID follows the format of the “CANSimple Message ID” from the docs CAN Protocol — ODrive Documentation 0.6.10 documentation . For example, if you wanted to get the address(cmd_id 0x006) with a node_id of 1, the Frame id would be Hex 26 bits (00000100110)

Glad you solved it! Thanks for describing your fix, that’s really helpful!